Helpful Hints
Here is a collection of presentations, suggestions and ideas from our volunteers about new features and how to manage your computers and data. To view a topic, click the "Download File" link. You can then read the paper and/or print it. If there is a topic you would like to see a Helpful Hint about, please tell us by e-mailing [email protected]
Windows 10
The following presentation was given by Bob Treharne on Oct 28, 2015. Windows 10 Presentation Download File Removing Windows 10 Messages
The PDF document below tells how to remove the annoying message about updating to Windows 10 and more ![]()
Buying a New Computer
The following documents are from the Open House presentation of Sep 8, 2014 by Dave Kaminski and Curtis Brown. ![]()
Backing up your computer filesA short summary of the files you should back up and how to use the built-in back-up features in Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 to protect your important data and photos.
E-mail photos with WindowsThis is a quick and easy way to go right from the photos on your computer to attaching them to an e-mail using either Outlook Express (XP) or Windows Mail (Vista). You can also downsize your photos during the process so that more pictures can be attached to your e-mail.
How to copy photos to a CDBack-up and preserve your photos on a CD using simple Windows XP or Vista commands.
How to use tabs in Internet ExplorerUse the tabs in Internet Explorer to open all your favorite websites at start-up.
Some useful websites to visitHere is a short list of popular and informative websites that will get you started searching the Internet for all kinds of information.
PowerPoint for Seniors
The PDF document below is from the Open House presentation of Sep 9, 2014 by Lynn McLean. ![]()
Block websites in Internet explorerUse the Tools in Internet Explorer to prevent objectionable websites from being viewed on your computer.
Using Excel FunctionsExcel has pre-written formulas called Functions that simplify peforming complicated mathematical, statistical or financial number crunching. Learn how to use Sum, Max, Min, Average and If functions for better spreadsheets.
How to open a Yahoo or Google e-mail accountHaving a web based e-mail account like Yahoo Mail or Gmail has a lot of advantages. Learn how to quickly open and start using one.
Tips for file and folder managementAs your computer starts filling up with lots of documents and pictures, here are some suggestions for organizing them into manageable folder groups.
Storing and sharing digital photosPhotographs from digital cameras and pictures from scanners require special handling to preserve their quality for future generations. Here are some helpful hints to keep those memories intact.